> install ifuse libimobiledevice-utils usbmuxd -y
> usbmuxd -f -v
idevicepair pair (you need to accept on your phone to trust)
> ifuse /mnt
TADA :-)
> install ifuse libimobiledevice-utils usbmuxd -y
> usbmuxd -f -v
idevicepair pair (you need to accept on your phone to trust)
> ifuse /mnt
TADA :-)
GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="intel_pstate=enable quiet splash"
echo "MACADDR=56:12:b6:2a:aa:34" > /etc/sysconfig/dummy
vim /etc/systemd/system/dummy@.service
# Remember to run `systemctl daemon-reload` after creating or editing this file. [Unit] Description=Dummy network interface for %i After=network.target [Service] Type=oneshot RemainAfterExit=yes EnvironmentFile=/etc/sysconfig/%i-dummy ExecStartPre=/sbin/ip link add %i-dummy address ${MACADDR} type dummy [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target
systemctl daemon-reload systemctl enable dummy@foo.service systemctl start dummy@foo.service
source: https://jamielinux.com/docs/libvirt-networking-handbook/appendix/dummy-interface-on-fedora.html
grep -n -P "[^\x00-\x7F]" -R --include="*.py" chia/
chia/full_node/full_node.py:910: f"⏲️ Finished signage point {request.index_from_challenge}/"
chia/full_node/full_node.py:970: f"🌱 Updated peak to height {record.height}, weight {record.weight}, "
chia/full_node/full_node.py:1361: f"🍀 ️Farmed unfinished_block {block_hash}, SP: {block.reward_chain_block.signage_point_index}, "
chia/full_node/full_node.py:1576: f"⏲️ Finished sub slot, SP {self.constants.NUM_SPS_SUB_SLOT}/{self.constants.NUM_SPS_SUB_SLOT}, "
chia/wallet/wallet_blockchain.py:261: self.log.info(f"💰 Updated wallet peak to height {block_record.height}, weight {block_record.weight}, ")
yum install kernel-tools -y
cpupower frequency-info
cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/cpufreq/scaling_governor
cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep '^[c]pu MHz' |awk {'print $4'} |sort -r -u |head -n 5
cpupower frequency-set -g powersave
cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/cpufreq/scaling_governor
cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep '^[c]pu MHz' |awk {'print $4'} |sort -r -u |head -n 5
In a power shell run..
# to view
Get-ChildItem -Path . -Include Thumbs.db -Recurse -Name -Force
# to delete
Get-ChildItem -Path . -Include Thumbs.db -Recurse -Name -Force | Remove-Item -Force
dnf install koji
koji list-builds --package=kernel --after="2021-03-01"
koji download-build --arch=x86_64 kernel-5.11.5-50.fc33
dnf update kernel-*.rpm
dnf upgrade -y --refresh
dnf install -y dnf-plugin-system-upgrade
dnf system-upgrade download --releasever=33
dnf system-upgrade reboot
dnf system-upgrade clean
dnf clean packages
openssl enc -aes-256-ctr -pass pass:"$(dd if=/dev/urandom bs=128 count=1 2>/dev/null | base64)" -nosalt < /dev/zero > /tmp/randomfile.bin
#source, idea
... this is now done via Chrony...
Local time: Thu 2021-03-04 13:15:06 EST
Universal time: Thu 2021-03-04 18:15:06 UTC
RTC time: Thu 2021-03-04 18:14:27
Time zone: America/New_York (EST, -0500)
System clock synchronized: no
NTP service: active
RTC in local TZ: no
systemctl status systemd-timesyncd
systemd-timesyncd.service - Network Time Synchronization
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/systemd-timesyncd.service; disabled; vendor preset: disabled)
Active: inactive (dead)
Docs: man:systemd-timesyncd.service(8)
systemctl start systemd-timesyncd
systemctl enable systemd-timesyncd
hwclock --systohc
Local time: Thu 2021-03-04 13:16:06 EST
Universal time: Thu 2021-03-04 18:16:06 UTC
RTC time: Thu 2021-03-04 18:16:27
Time zone: America/New_York (EST, -0500)
System clock synchronized: yes
NTP service: active
RTC in local TZ: no
> dstat -tdD total,sde 60
----system---- --dsk/sde----dsk/total-
time | read writ : read writ
05-01 10:32:47 | :
05-01 10:33:47 | 9896k 112k : 630M 833M
05-01 10:34:00 | 11M 0 : 660M 994M